Random Articles - RAW 150515

Hello, this week is full of e-book related articles, however there is one that generated a lot of interest, for me anyway, called 'The Benefits of Reading a Book You Don’t Like'.  You may either love it or hate it.   Well, sit back with your favourite beverage and kick off your weekend with this weeks RAW compilation.  

This weekend I am going to be playing around with my new aeropress coffee maker, producing lots of long blacks most likely.

Two Space Operas Worth Reading | The Silver Ships & The Atlantis Ship

Two Space Operas Worth Reading | The Silver Ships & The Atlantis Ship

I have an upcoming post that is going to be 'put up' on Sunday evening (17 May 2015) called .  You can get a head start by viewing the Vlog version of it on YouTube. Click here to view.

  • The Benefits of Reading a Book You Don’t Like
  • People are Losing their Trust in e-books
  • What is the Most Memorable Reason You Have for Abandoning a Book Halfway Through?
  • Most Canadian Publishers Now Selling Ebooks Direct
  • Court Rules Kindles Are Safe on Aircraft
  • Artist makes a backup of the Kindle ebook, by scanning it page by page


The Benefits of Reading a Book You Don’t Like

bookriot.com - I think the best reason to read something you don’t like is to learn from it. When I was studying for my MFA, we were told (rightly) never to say that we liked or disliked a book, but to explain what worked or didn’t work.  Read more...

People are Losing their Trust in e-books

goodereader.com - The primary benefit of a print book is the clear path of ownership. Once you procure it from your favorite online or brick and motor store, its yours. There is no problem with loaning it out to a friend or rereading it for the hundredth time. e-books on the other hand is a convoluted nightmare.  Read more...

What is the Most Memorable Reason You Have for Abandoning a Book Halfway Through?

Ink, Bits, & Pixels - This blogger largely abandoned paper books nearly a decade ago, but lately I've been paperpunking and it has reminded me of just how many ways ebooks are better than paper. Read more...

Most Canadian Publishers Now Selling Ebooks Direct

digitalbookworld.com - 66% of Canadian publishers are now selling ebooks directly to consumers, according to a new survey by BookNet Canada. That share rose 24% since 2013, when 42% of Canadian publishers reported offering direct sales. Read more...

Court Rules Kindles Are Safe on Aircraft

goodereader.com - The US Court of Appeals has thrown out a case stemming from the 2013 decision by the FAA to allow e-readers, smartphones and tablets to be used during all phases of flight.  The Flight Attendants Union has been fighting this saying that people are glued to their devices and not paying attention to safety demonstrations.  Read more...

Artist makes a backup of the Kindle ebook, by scanning it page by page

ebookfriendly.com - Jesse England is an artist and educator who deals with contemporary media and digital content.  Three years ago he started a project called Ebook Backup. He created a print copy of the Kindle book, by scanning his Kindle with every opened page. This way, he made a backup of the Kindle book, so that he can be sure it would never disappear from his ebook collection.  Read more...

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