Random Articles - RAW 151023

This week a glimpse at how new technology is affecting the way we use our public building, in particular schools  It also looks like e-books are here to stay but there will be an ongoing debate concerning the pricing of them.  Well, sit back with your favourite beverage enjoy reading this weekend.  I'm not feeling well so I think I'll be drinking copious amounts of orange juice.  Enjoy! 

  • Canadian Libraries are fed up with high e-book prices.
  • Are we losing faith in e-Books?
  • A Virginia High School Rips Out Lockers, Replaces Them With Benches and Charging Stations.
  • 10 Reasons Why Print Books are Better than eBooks.
  • 4 Reasons To Become A Mentor Immediately.


Canadian Libraries are fed up with high e-book prices

goodereader.com - Last summer the The Toronto Public Library, Canadian Library Council, Ontario Library Association and the Canadian Library Association formed a working group with a singular purpose, to raise public awareness over the high prices libraries pay for e-books.  The gambit has paid off, and many Canadian news organizations and media outlets have written stories on the plight of libraries and how their budgets are being stretched thin due to draconian pricing.  Read more...

Are we losing faith in e-Books?

goodereader.com - Over the last few years our trust has been shaken when it comes to buying e-books. Sometimes this stems from our favorite bookstore going out of business and all of our purchases disappearing or the high cost of investing in digital. Have we lost faith in e-books? Read more...

A Virginia High School Rips Out Lockers, Replaces Them With Benches and Charging Stations

the-digital-reader.com - In late 2011 a story went around that Ikea was anticipating the death of books by adding doors to its bookcases and by releasing a model with deeper shelves. The story was nonsense on the face of it, and was soon denied by Ikea, but even as a work of fiction it still stands as an example of the impact new tech has on interior design. Read more...

10 Reasons Why Print Books are Better than eBooks

38enso.com - There has been a lot of recent discussion of the flattening of eBook sales and the resurgence of print. This post has nothing to do with that debate and the validity of the numbers. I like both eBooks and physical books. I read both. But there are numerous differences. Instead here are my top 10 reasons why I prefer print.  Read more...

4 Reasons To Become A Mentor Immediately

cameronmorrissey.com - Every one of us knows that we should be a mentor to someone, at least I really hope that we know that. But “life” gets in the way for many of us and we quickly focus on what we have to give to be a mentor and not what we will get out of being a mentor. The excuses vary from person to person, but the common ones are... Read more...

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