Random Articles - RAW 150403

A Good Friday to all! Welcome to my offering of random articles across the web.  I hope you are enjoying your Easter weekend.  I wish you the best for this time and that you may understand the reason for this season.

With that in mind I offer up an article at the end of my list called The King We Needed, But Never Wanted, it is part of a series so if you like it you can continuing on reading the rest on the Desiring God website.

Stay tuned for Sunday evening,I have a post lined up called Creating Focus in a Culture of Distraction. Here is a quote from it:

Until then sit back and start your weekend with these articles and your favourite beverage.  This week I'm hoping to improve my Chemex brewing method.  Enjoy!

  • What’s the Matter with Ebooks?
  • Novels have Been Declared Dead 30 Times by Prominent People
  • eBooks Are Forever Wants to Solve the Library eBook Problem
  • Because Outright Agency isn’t Good Enough: HarperCollins Now in Conflict With Amazon
  • Do You Know How to Pirate?
  • The King We Needed, But Never Wanted


What’s the Matter with Ebooks?

dancohen.org - By most media accounts, ebook adoption has plateaued at about a third of the overall book market, and this stall has lasted for over a year now. Some are therefore taking it as a Permanent Law of Reading: There will be electronic books, but there will always be more physical books. Long live print! Read more...

Novels have Been Declared Dead 30 Times by Prominent People

goodereader.com - The novel has been declared dead over 30 times since 1902 by prominent people in the industry. The Guardian, New York Times and the Observer have all declared at one point that books are on the decline, yet in 2015 they are still around. Read more...

eBooks Are Forever Wants to Solve the Library eBook Problem

Ink, Bits, & Pixels - Libraries are getting screwed on ebooks even worse than consumers. Where a consumer has to worry about content vanishing with a deceased ebookstore or an expired contract, libraries have to contend with annual fees, expiring licenses, and mysterious technical glitches. Read more...

Because Outright Agency isn’t Good Enough: HarperCollins Now in Conflict With Amazon

Ink, Bits, & Pixels - Amazon may have inked deals with Hachette, Macmillan, and Simon & Schuster in the past 6 months, but HarperCollins is proving to be tougher negotiator. Read more...

Do You Know How to Pirate?

teleread.com - Techdirt’s latest on the whole cord-cutting thing was a good one. They make an interesting point, which is this: piracy exists. That might not seem like such a revolutionary statement—surely we all know that? Read more...

The King We Needed, But Never Wanted

desiringgod.org- Three times Jesus explained to these men what it meant for him to be the Messiah. It was a horrific, yet hope-filled story: the murder of the promised king and then an inexplicable, unprecedented resurrection. It was way over the shortsighted, glory-hungry heads of Peter, James, John, and the others. Read more...

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