Random Articles - RAW 150828

  • Who Won Science Fiction’s Hugo Awards, and Why It Matters
  • The Pirates Are Getting Smarter
  • Romania City Gives Free Bus Rides if You Read a Book
  • The decline of short-form content and the rise of niche hobbies
  • A "Critical Challenge" for western Christians that might surprise you


Who Won Science Fiction’s Hugo Awards, and Why It Matters

wired.com - Since 1953, tobe nominated for a Hugo Award, among the highest honors in science fiction and fantasy writing, has been a dream come true for authors who love time travel, extraterrestrials and tales of the imagined future. Read more...

The Pirates Are Getting Smarter

the-digital-reader.com - Many authors constantly fight piracy, and that has proven to have an unfortunate (but entirely expected) side effect. Pirates are getting smarter.  Read more...

Romania City Gives Free Bus Rides if You Read a Book

goodereader.com - A Romanian city has just unveiled a new program to get people reading, free bus rides. If you live in Cluj-Napoca in north-western Romania you can ride public transit without paying anything, as long as you have a book with you. Read more...

The decline of short-form content and the rise of niche hobbies

teleread.com - Are people losing patience with lists and slideshows? ...there are strong indications that people are lose interest in this sort of content and are turning to longer-form articles instead. Read more...

A "Critical Challenge" for western Christians that might surprise you

thegoodbook.com - What would you say are the three most critical challenges for western Christians today? Changing sexual ethics? Declining church attendance? Evangelism in a post-Christian context? The need to strengthen marriages? Raising the next generation? Biblical preaching? (OK, that’s more than three). How about: Time, and how you use it. Read more...

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