Discover | Walking on the Sea of Clouds

When I was growing up in the 1980's I thought that I'd be living on the moon by now, or actually to have been living on the moon for at least 15 years or more.  I never really thought beyond the year 2000, but alas this hasn't happened,  althought if you are a frustrated moon colonist this story may be the closest as you will ever get.
This is hard science fiction, so if you loved The Martian you'll appreciate the technical struggles these couples face in order to set up the moon colony which is started as a private venture.

Whatā€™s telling is Iā€™d actually love to read more about the colony and its struggles, to see if they make it. The end of the book has determination written in every line, but the moon settlementā€™s fate is far from clear, and much of the problem with that lies back on earth. I hope there are sequels in the offing!
ā€“ Wendy S. Delmater

Walking on the Sea of Clouds

by Gray Rinehar
Before permanent lunar encampments such as Clarke's Clavius Base (in 2001: A Space Odyssey) or Heinlein's Luna City (in The Moon Is A Harsh Mistress) could be built, there would have to be the first settlers--the first people to set up shop and try to eke out an existence on the Moon.

Walking On the Sea of Clouds is the story of such lunar pioneers: two couples, Stormie and Frank Pastorelli and Van and Barbara Richards, determined to survive and succeed in this near-future technological drama about the risks people will take, the emergencies they'll face, and the sacrifices they'll make as members of the first commercial lunar colony. In the end, one will decide to leave, one will decide to stay, one will put off deciding ... and one will decide to die so another can live.

In these post titled 'Discovery (or Up and Coming Reads)', I want to provide you with some suggested reading material. These are books which look interesting to me and that I'd like to share with you. The links will be affiliate links, so if you going to make a purchase at Amazon I'd appreciate you using the link. Doing so will help me buy more books so it should be a win-win for us both.

Enjoy reading more and thinking more... with your favourite beverage!

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